
lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

Canción para hoy: This House is not for Sale-Bon Jovi

Escribo esta entrada el sábado 6 de julio con unos nervios enormes para el concierto del domingo de Bon Jovi (que cuando se publique esta entrada ya habrá acabado). Por este motivo os dejo la canción que da nombre a esta gira y a esta canción: This House is not for Sale. Y, por supuesto, prometo crónica. Y os comento que voy a ver si intento por todos los medios quedar a la salida con la escritora Mar Carrión (ya os contaré todo).

Espero que tengáis una feliz semana. ¡Y no paséis mucho calor!

These four walls have a got a story to tell
The door is off the hinges, there's no wish in the well
Outside the sky is coal black and the streets are on fire
The picture windows cracked and there's no where to run
I know, I know
This house is not for sale
I set each stone and I hammered each nail
This house is not for sale
Where memories live and the dream don't fail
This house is not for sale
Coming home
I'm coming home
Drove a spike into the ground and I staked my claim
Standing on the dirt where they'll dig my grave
Now what built these walls is in my veins
No time for looking back, the wolf is at the door
This heart, this soul
This house is not for sale
I set each stone and I hammered each nail
This house is not for sale
Where memories

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